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Intro to Emotional Intelligence

Have you ever wondered why people have different opinions? Why does one person favor a character in a story but yet someone else despises said character? There are so many people in this world we are bound to have differences.What makes you different? Think about your life for a second and realize that you are the main character and your life is your story. Also realize that you are just a character in someone else's story. Are you a hero or a villain? Are you ambiguous or charismatic? A hated character or a fan favorite? As children we are always told that everybody is different, but we are never told how we are all different. 

          I believe that everyone has a unique personality and that self-expression is the only way to pursue it. We are all conditioned into unison as we grow up and face oppression and limitation. Our self development requires the constant pursuit of growth and reinvention.With that being said, how can you truly live life to the fullest if you are a product of your environment and not a a work in progress?

             In this book i will explain how i choose to pursue my individuality and how you can express yourself and live the life YOU were meant to.

Recommended read speed 160-190 words per minute

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Emotional Intelligence Awareness guide

  • EQ guide

    A great foundation for someone starting their journey
    • Access to EQ E-book on site
    • Foundation for understanding self-expression
    • Foundation for developing self-awareness
    • foundation for expressing/ cultivating individuality
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